Thursday, December 15, 2011


 このアニメは とてもおもしろいですが、さびしです。そして、すこしおかしいです。エンジェルビツの せかいの なかに みなさんは しねました。このせかいに こうこうが あります。でも、みなさんは ぜんぜん いきません。いつも あそびます。

私は エンジェルビツが とても 好きです。みなさん、 このアニメを みって 下さい!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cycle 2 Reflection/Cycle 3 Goals

During cycle 2, I was able to find an anime with a lot of segments where the vocabulary used was not very advanced, and short sentences were used, so I was able to shadow it without undue difficulty (though I still had to listen to it several times to perfectly match what the characters were saying). Though I finished watching the series, for cycle 3, I think I will continue to use it, and simply find marginally more difficult segments of dialogue to shadow. I will also continue to shadow the songs I like, and try to find more like them; though it is not ideal for improving my speaking skills, it's actually a lot of fun, and adds challenge without being completely impossible.